Processing Grief

Changing the Conversation on Grief

“Grief Waves” is a therapist-approved book in verse designed to help kids notice grief with the support of a trusted adult, and to notice how grief is a sort of messenger - bringing all sorts of information. Typically we speak of grief when we speak of death, but the goal of “Grief Waves” is to help kids (and adults) see grief as a feeling we get when we lose anything that was meaningful to us.

Available now in both hardback and paperback.

Multiple books covering multiple topics

We have several other books already in the editing phase that we hope to release soon, but we need your help! We successfully crowdfunded our first book "Shame Mud" on kickstarter and are super grateful to all those who supported us! In future releases, we plan to address other topics like labels, expectations, and physical health. We hope that the success of our first book helps us to release many more books that empower kids to understand and know their true worth!

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Word of mouth is one of the best ways to share positive messages these days. If you like what you see so far, follow us on social media to hear and see more about what we're doing!

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What therapists are saying about "Grief Waves":

Free Coloring Pages!

Sign up for our monthly newsletter and instantly receive two free coloring pages from our first book "Shame Mud" to help kids process shame creatively.


Want to work with us?

We aim to support parents, teachers, therapists, and anyone in the therapy and child psychology fields. We want to make tough topics easier to talk about with our kids and help them feel more comfortable asking their parents anything!

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